<span class="mu-i">Another presence.</span> Flesh and blood.
The visage of a gas mask is peering from the entryway behind the defenses. Yet his head is cocked upright, his attention turned to somewhere else. Staring into the breathless air. Staring. Waiting. <span class="mu-i">Understanding.</span>
More heads appear beside, all turned upwards in prayer, turned towards the end of the corridor, tuning in to that invisible secret signal droning under the earth, endlessly...
You take Big Iron out and wait. With your claw on the trigger, things begin to take on a clear and definite purpose once again. You are LEAD. You have a Mission. You intend to see it through...
<span class="mu-r">Then a deafening silence falls. Hideous and unnatural.</span> Though it lasts for a few seconds, the spell is broken. The Gray men move forward.
And the tide pours in.
GRAYTIDE: (Underrail: Expedition OST Savage Battle Theme)
https://youtu.be/1iTyVoet9w0?si=cacJ1JfGd8Qv1WHD[TERROR LEVEL RAISED.]
<span class="mu-g">Hampered by the new walls of corpses, they can hardly take an inch before you start pulping heads.</span>
The Ghouls who do not take shelter are cut down immediately, high caliber bullets ripping through flesh and completely smashing bones! The ones who do take shelter quickly learn that corpses do not make good sandbags for this kind of stuff! You take aim, one, two, three, four- And it is only during the accursed moments of reloading that they are able to claw their way up the mountain.
A bullet flies by your head. Handmade submachine guns, spears in hand, leveled at you with hateful purpose...
<span class="mu-i">Come on, I say, take me out!</span>