>>5639963>>5639965When the Robot received Instructions he did as he was told. "Yes those have been somewhat outdated models by now. But i still remember you clear as day Master Kai. Please your and your Meatbag friends are always welcome at our shops. Even your Dine and Dasher Friend over there." the Machine stated without apparent judgement but Yama did shrink back as if struck mumbling that he was gonna pay soon anyway.
When the machine finally left the Ninja got up and offered to start preparing the broth and similar things. Since he was already feeling better again and did not necessarily be here to check on the Spar. Also good food would help after the beatings that would soon be dolled out by the Students.
also cooking process Yama looked up on the internet with sponsorhip.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fOY40FvF9Q&ab_channel=BabishCulinaryUniversealso i will be gone for now. See you guys tomorrow