>>5636418Well, I do like a good picnic basket. Delicious. I'm sure this will aptly motivating. And if we get ten minutes, we can maybe enjoy the Botanical Gardens?
>>5635391>>5635111>>5635088You know, I wouldn't actually have expected the old " I'm A Rich Sarethian Noble, But Alas , My Funds . . . " trick to <span class="mu-i">work</span>. Let alone work so <span class="mu-i">well</span>.
And as it turns out they actually have a copy of Symmetrion's Wards & Wardens, apparently it's <span class="mu-i">the</span> premier into book on common ward gestures. And look, he even included a notation about where to find it in the reference section. The Luperni Records are hard to decipher but now we have a full listing the most common titles in each section - and that'll allow us to search for the books we DO want so much better.
And with a little bit of archival cross-referencing, we can even narrow down the location of the materials I need. Since our cunning-clever student hasn't included any mentions of any material on Stellar Mechanics at any <span class="mu-i">other</span> catalogue, it's clear to the light that Dr. Bel is hoarding it all in his private research lab.
He must have move them there from the general stacks and is using them to cross reference . . . Something. Etch, Jove, you <span class="mu-s">did it</span>!
That's the most likely location of the materials we need. Now, all we have to do is . . . go <span class="mu-s">get</span> them! Fantastic work!
<span class="mu-s">==Luperni==</span>
Escalation 12
Paranoia 2
<span class="mu-s">==crew==</span>
Disguise 4 <span class="mu-i">comes with 2 free ranks of PoliticoIdentiPostwaveLitAnalysis... what?</span>
Search <span class="mu-s">3</span>
+3 Mercenary
+1 Dangerous
+4 Lawbreakers