>>6200806“Ridiculous or not, they’ll do some damage.” Alvin warns. “Particularly if they try to hit us in our backline where Eman’s druids are currently residing. We’ll be sandwiched between them and the infantry.”
“Our wyverns would make short work of them.” Tobias says “We should send either myself and the Scorchers or Uriyan’s men to deal with those riders.”
“Our wyvern riders are the backbone of our army.” Alvin muses. “I believe they’d be better off attacking the backline of the enemy. We should split off a detachment of our spearmen to guard our backline instead.”
“I can do that.” Cuthbert volunteers, hefting his halberd up. “Wouldn’t be the first cavalry rush I’ve stopped. And those were actual horses. Much faster and stronger than…whatever the hell these things are.”
“As can I.” Adeline says. “No harm shall come to our spellcasters. I’ll lead the others into battle and defend our spellcasters.”
“Lord Tristain, what do you suggest?” Tobias asks you.
The first decision of the battle and it was already falling on you. You tried to think back to your time at the Officer’s Academy to guide you.
>A): Let the wyverns handle those cavalry. (Choose Uriyan or Tobias to lead.)>B): We can split off a detachment of infantry to defend against them. (Choose Adeline or Cuthbert to lead.)