Quoted By:
"Aw, no you didn't, you fuckers. You know what tonight's about? It's about us. Yeah. I said it. I'm getting sappy, assholes. Every single month, we get together! And there's some old faces, there's some new faces, but usually it's the same old shit. And I want you all to take a moment and think about that. We're motherfucking <span class="mu-i">alive.</span> You and you and you and you and you—" She's pointing around the room. "—you fucking drowned, and you're alive. And you <span class="mu-i">keep</span> living. Do you know how common that is? It's not common, let me tell you. My new business partner, she spends a lot of time around the Pillar. Yeah. The one a day from here. And she was telling me, you know how many fuckers <span class="mu-i">drown?</span> I mean, they choke on water, and they fucking die? Loads and loads and loads. And the ones who make it, do they stick around? Nope. If they don't get found, they die. If they do get found, sometimes they don't wanna live, and they die. Do you know what that makes us?"
She pauses for a potent breath. "<span class="mu-i">Survivors.</span> Yeah. It's not just luck. Every single one of you assholes has a kickass fighting spirit, okay? Even if you don't look it, you have one. Because you gotta. But, look, it's not about you. I said it was about us, and it is. You know where that fighting spirit got all those friendless losers?"
"Shrimp food!" somebody volunteers. Earl?
"Yeah! Thank you! Shrimp food! And d'y'know why? Because we need each other. Admit it. <span class="mu-i">We</span> keep the camp running. <span class="mu-i">We</span> keep life— you know— meaning something, right? No matter how fucked-up it gets, there's something that always matters. And, hey, I should give a big shout-out to Mr. Monty Gewecke— oh yeah, wave for us. Wave. Bask in the applause." Monty waves bashfully. "That's right, motherfucker. We all keep it going, but he keeps it going way more than any of you, and he doesn't get thanked enough. Keep waving. Keep waving. Oh, yeah."
The applause continues until Madrigal makes a 'cut it' gesture. "It's thanks to him we have all this shit, but listen— if it weren't for <span class="mu-i">you</span> all, there wouldn't be anybody to have... the shit. Yeah. You're all with me. If it were just him and I out there, we'd look pretty snazzy, but do you think we'd last a week? Well, maybe a week. A month? How about four fucking years and counting? It's strength in numbers. That's what it is. Strength in numbers. Get enough of us together, and all those monsters can fuck right off. And look! Who here was helping with the Headspace shit today? Give a cheer."
A loud, strong cheer. For some reason, you can't muster anything.