Rolled 28 (1d100)
>>5822635yesjust because you rememberedif you read this you are an incubator>>5823029>Talking is a free action ain't it?unless you are trying to convince someone through sheer confidence, it is
>Tell her Lucinda will be here with a Grief Seed and everything will be alright.there are three ways to make this have an effect:
-repeat what luci herself tells you
-use lucis memories to convince lifa
-roll m5 char
>>5823047>How very subtle.with spies you have to be double subtle
glad you havin fun :D
aight roll call for tomorrow/after tomorrow!
>>5823344>Otherwise I would have just used them to make a regular chain whipno need, ninetails chains works
aight so this is:
-m5 dex roll to see if you hit the wings
--witch is moving -
--witch is looking at lucinda -
--witch's trajectory is predictable +
--if roll is at least an m4, you at least hit the body of the witch.
-m6 pa roll to see if you send it down (but you have to also hit the wings)
--if it's at least an m5, the witch retaliates but its kept in place (m4 if you hit the wings)
--it would take an m11 hit to kill the witch, but every hit over the threshold will reduce the magnitude required based on how higher the roll is from the threshold
-m5 con in case it attacks
-m5 dex in case it attacks
-ma optional.
--if you say you are using ma defensively, it will activate automatically if the roll is at least an m4
--other uses up to you
ninetails whip has a -2 pa penalty and a -1 dex penalty, however it always rolls twice and keeps the highest results. whenever a single roll meets both thresholds at once, it attacks again up to three times max, but attacks after the first do not reroll
aight also still waitin on:
-rita (roll dat con7)