>>5650192“What?!” he exclaims, unable to move before the wall of fire slams into him. Launching both him and his Stand into the steps leading up to his throne. Her Stand's fires scorches the staircase and Cold himself, as well as his Stand. He actually screams out in pain, writhing in agony as her Stand's flames burn him. His enhanced gravity disappears as if it never were while he burns. But then, your daughter raises a hand, the flames extinguishing instantly. She doesn't check on King Cold, instead rushing over to Okira's side as the rest of you look on, still shellshocked.
“Can you heal her?” Caulifla asks her Stand, which reappears off of her and standing beside your daughter with another flash of light.
“Let me try.” it says, kneeling down next to your daughters. Once more it lets tears fall, dripping down onto Okira's unconscious cheeks. But, unfortunately, nothing happens. “I don't think I can. Not how I used to.”
“Okay.” Cauli says, taking her chime in hand and muttering to herself, a golden magical circle appearing on the ground around the three of them. Caulifla uses her usual healing magic with the ringing of the bell while King Cold unsteadily pushes himself upright, his body covered in burns. Even his Stand itself seems scorched, the emperor's father looking in surprisingly rough shape. But then he starts looking around, confused.
“Where did it go?” he asks, looking around the room. “Where did that stone dagger go?”
“It has become a part of me.” Triumph Requiem says, rising back up to its feet and turning to face him as Caulifla while gesturing to itself. And you see, there on its forehead is the shape of the knife in gold. As if the weapon is embedded in her Stand's skull.
“Well, give it back.” King Cold says, a hard edge to his voice. “You no longer need it.”
“I cannot. The dagger is a part of my being now.” the Stand replies, King Cold's eyebrow twitching once in clear annoyance.
Well? What now?
>Check in on Okira, see how your youngest daughter is doing after all that>Apologize to King Cold that the dagger is gone, but that you now may have a replacement before asking Joseph Joestar yourself more about the one on his world>Try and summon Divine Dragon Force, see if it has finished its work yet and if so, if it can bring out the dagger without hurting Caulifla or her Stand>Ask her Stand that, now it and the dagger are one, if it can do what the dagger did and grant Stands to others>Other(write in)