Just a random tool feature I found online which might help anons with worldbuilding notes or diagrams. As you know, I am very committed to open access no login no signup type applications, I try to make all my games and settings using this approach as much as possible. An online drawing and diagram tool you may be aware of is excalidraw
https://excalidraw.com/It doesn't require any logins or username signups etc to use or edit manually, but recently they have also included an AI text to diagram type generator, (located on the far right hand side) in that you enter a description and the website tries to automatically layout a diagram of what you wrote. I could see this tool being used to prototype or brainstorm / visually experiment with some random ttrpg dungeon layouts or narrative event / choice sequence planning flowcharts etc (pic related just a simple demo I tried).
The main attraction is no signup but I do think it is rate limited (maybe just a handful of requests per day?) Also I presume nowadays that everything you submit online will be data raped by algorithms so bear that in mind. Otherwise, it seems like potentially a useful tool