From the world of Capeworld Comics. don't need to read the extra lore to enjoy the quest. It's like how you can read Kingdom Come without knowing anything about the superheroes and enjoy it, but if you read some old comics, you'll be like "Ohhh, that's why the salt shakers were shaped that way in Planet Krypton. Neat!")
In another time, another place...
You’ve always had a hard time figuring out what you wanted to be when you grew up.
Normal kids, basic kids, kids without any powers, they can’t do anything. They can’t do math, they can’t write, they can’t do anything, yet they can imagine. And because they can imagine, they desire. They want. They want to be firemen, policemen, supermen.
They want to be everything, because they can do nothing.
But it was different for you.
You could do everything.
Depending on who you were near, you could fly, shoot beams out of your hands, read minds, teleport, etc, etc. MIrabolists, the guys that study superpowers, have a term for you.
Speculo. Mirror. You mirror the powers of those around you.
You could do everything. And so you wanted to be nothing.
Not a fireman, not a policeman, not a superman. Nothing.