>>6011769" No! Scarf has not! And so, you have passed the first of many, many trials. You should not believe all you hear wagging tongues make whisper of.
You may have your tiny touchstone tendril back, for though Scarf will gladly lie, he will not cheat. What is a merchant most magnificient if not, also, fair? "
> . . . Somewhere down somewhere else, the Chemicae's screaming for more medical assistance manage to - once again - find a faint pulse. There's blood everywhere! Voided stars someone get a stretcher!! " There can be no impediment to travel, for all souls are Free. That is the Third Law. Free of the Flesh but Bound by the Soul. One cannot claim what one cannot claim.
Still, while Ownership of the Middle of Things cannot be claimed by charming commercial creatives, Scarf does think of himself as a . . . Caretaker.
And, through striving, having rightfully (recently!) establised a most wholesome monopoly and corrected consecutive prior market failures, all long tiny troubles of a small developing enterprise, Scarf now ponders, here, at the crossroads of paths plethora while he sweeps the amalgamated stardetritus off of the ancient Pillars that hold up the world.
Little men with smaller hearts still squirm beneath the rays of the sun and reach out for the light. They search for it. You see it? You may see it! A rare honour! Squint! Close your True Eye against the brilliance! Do you mark, there, in the distance, past the pathway carved from all the regrets of all the lives you might have lived?
The City. Oh Sareth. Far and Grand. I miss you so.
And though your True Eye be closed, you can go blind from the enormity of the light of the tiny little captive thing spinning above the spire of the First Theurge. Do not linger your limpid eyes overlong. It is a monument to calamity. An Icon of hubris. So many many grand things for such a small spinning speck, and oh so many more to come.
And in the little lack beyond it, you may behold the absence of justice. The vaucity in stellar motion. The shadow it casts. The voidstar.
( I did try to warn them, you know? But some acts of cosmic cutting are too enormous to stop once in motion. )
If only someone could set the jewel back in the firmanent and so fix all that has gone so maliciously wrong! Though business opportunies have abounded ever since, so mercantile interests are not entirely displeased.
AH! I palaver! I prattle! I pretend to speak of things I may not know so much about!
To business!!
The Empyreal's Adherents still search for its relation.
They will soon come, in more numbers than you can contemplate, with greater fury than you believe, and armed with conviction you would shudder to sell to a man about to murder his own mother. "