I mentioned that I was thinking of doing like an inverted Tolkien quest
>>5336239>>5336239But Local Lord QM showed me there is another author who has done this, and also there is a Tolkien qst thread somewhere here already.
The other idea I had was a sort of defamiliarisation riddle thread, where both the QMs or player anons would essentially take some phenomena except encrypt them in some fantasy or mystical genre type language. For example here is are two easy ones, can you command the Glyphs described below?
Elibmotua, He Who Thirsts
War god of the fallen Nacirema, whose fearsome breath is said to change the seasons when He fought and scorched the Great Dark Sky. In his gentler incarnations, the war chariot of Elibmotua was commonly also associated with His role as a deity of journeys and pilgrimage. The fallen empire of Nacirema began as a primitive horse tribe that hunted wisent upon the endless Grass Sea. The hero prophet Rotom Drof of the Nacirema sacrificed his steed, consecrating its carcass-shrine to Elibmotua, and was gifted the secret of the Fire Wheel, thus invoking the first great Nacirema rite of conquest. Yet as their vast Empire Ixachitlan entered decline, many seers noted that the Nacirema youth abandoned worship of Drof as their great deity, turning instead to the debauched demoness star cult of Tenretni, as well as myriad obscure heresies such as the lesser slave-charioteer god Rebu, the lightning god Alset, amongst many others. In the memories of the scattered remnant hidden tribes of Ixachitlan, it is said that Elibmotua their mighty war god met an ignominious end, having been defeated and condemned to slow death by thirst-torture in a great cataclysm.
A demoness of obscure origin, whose worship coincided with the fall of the Empire of Nacirema. It is said Tenretni was birthed in a time of plague and war, when her love-dances that birthed stars provided solace to the despairing prayers and cries of the populace. Great temples and altars were soon constructed to the debauched dancing star demoness, who held the youth of Nacirema enraptured. Warriors and artisans alike abandoned their oaths and labours to pursue Tenretni in mindless devotion and idolatrous adulation.
The lost glyphs of Tenretni
The Trisect
Bifold Trisect Of Impatient Oblivion
Bifold Trisect Renversant Of Curious Regret
Bifold Rectilinear Perpends Of Surcease
The Annulari