Quoted By:
>The civilisation gets +0.05 Culture.
>The civilisation gets +5 Prosperity and Happiness.
>The civilisation gets -5 Equality and Productivity.
Many enterprising tribesmen decide to accompany the Vuvovic on their expeditions, with the blessings of the tribe's leaders. They bring the luxuries of the Protavic people with them, to be exchanged for whatever exotic goods these distant tribes can provide. Their endeavours are usually successful – these traders typically return with extravagant furs, amber jewellery and colourful dyes, which they offer to the rest of the tribe in exchange for their goods.
In the past, anyone could travel across or around the Croglatol in order to sell the goods that they produced, but these individuals represent a new merchant class who devote their lives to the trading of goods. They produce nothing of their own, they just spend their lives buying and selling the wealth of others, which has proven to be a very profitable lifestyle. With every year that passes, the wealth of these traders grows – and that of the humble swineherd diminishes.
A generation passes.
Our tribe is not the only one that is exploiting the world beyond the Croglatol. The Toprocravic have made good use of the westward river – known as the <span class="mu-s">Choslitol</span> – and must be either trading with the tribes further downstream or raiding them. They have acquired all sorts of pearls, seashells and coral which they are using to shock and awe the other tribes, to earn their favour and challenge the mercantile supremacy of the Protavic people.
Something must be done.
The Protavic could <span class="mu-s">stop trading with the sealskins</span>. Our tribe will refuse to play their game. They will not be allowed to charm the Protavic people with trinkets and baubles, nor will they be allowed to benefit from our tribe's wealth.
The Protavic could <span class="mu-s">demand the tribes to pick a side</span>. An envoy will be sent to each of the clans, to tell them to stop trading with the sealskins if they want to continue doing business with our tribe. This may upset the Toprocravic.
The Protavic could <span class="mu-s">declare war on the sealskins</span>. The Toprocravic cannot be allowed to become a bigger problem than they already are. It's time for our tribe to put an end to them and their seal-clubbing ways.
The Protavic could <span class="mu-s">heal the rift between our tribes</span>. There's no need for any sort of rivalry between the sealskins and the beast-bringers – the Croglatol is big enough for everyone. Hopefully a few gifts will smooth things over.
>Stop trading with the sealskins.
>Demand the tribes to pick a side.
>Declare war on the sealskins.
>Heal the rift between our tribes.