Your group has to huddle together to keep some semblance of warmth even despite the improved fabric and material of your uniforms.
[UNNERVING] Even Quentin has to keep his body warmed to prevent his true centipede body from turning cold. That doesn't mean your group LIKES having a corpse pressed up against them. Alexis and Ashley almost start to gag but they hold back for now.
>NUMB and MEMORIAL MEDAL block 1 RESTRAINT damage for Ashley and Alexis!You, Lex, and Wendy are too busy trying to surround the group to really care about the faint stench of rot surrounding Quentin at all times. As soon as you begin your trip, the storm only seems to pick up in intensity. It was already somewhat bad before but now? Visibility out here is getting really bad.
About two hundred feet away from town, your group can already hardly see more than fifteen feet in any direction. It all just disappears into snow at a certain point. Even though you should still be close enough to see ANTLIA from here, it's just a blur of white noise now.
[SEEKER OF THE CITY] It'll only get worse. Keep moving unless you want to freeze to death.
Ashley, once she's done gagging at having to be so pressed up against Quentin, helps to lead the group with her natural intuition. "Okay, there's going to be a real strong gust. Stand still, hold your ground." Five seconds after she said that, a massive gust of wind nearly sends your group flying but you hold strong for now.
This pattern repeats for a while. Slow progress being made, Ashley warning about something and your group bracing it, before your group starts moving again. Quentin mutters something about 'if only this damn storm wasn't here I could fly' or something to that effect. Must really suck to have such an ability but having no way to use it when there's so much land to travel. The chattering of everyone's teeth (sans your own and Alexis') is constantly echoing throughout your head. God, it's annoying. You can't blame them though.
You crack into GOODS OF THE LAND to get something warm for everyone. It's enough to keep you pushing...for now. Who knows how long you can take of this if you don't get to WHITEROCK soon.
It does take a bit but eventually your group finally arrives at the edge of WHITEROCK. The storm lightens up just enough for your group to get a decent look of it. - ASH
The first thing that hits your nose is the scent of <span class="mu-r">burning wood.</span> The permitter of sharpened ROTWOOD logs surrounding the village are lit up like birthday candles on the worst cake you've ever seen in your life. The gate that would normally block any outsiders from going in and out has crumbled into naught but blackened ash.
[ALEXIS ALLY] "No, fire shouldn't be burning like this." There's fear in Alexis' eyes as she seems to realize something the rest of you should already know. "The wind should've blown it out. Only H-Corp products could make a flame THAT wind-resistant."