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It is plain to see that you have tarried here overlong. Your best bet for slipping out unseen is to fetch your cart, then break into a room on the first floor that has a window that you can actually climb through, unpack the cart, get the cart outside, then repack the cart - effectively disappearing into thin air. Unfortunately, there is a bit of blight on your tuber: in a moment of thoughtlessness, you drank most of the remaining working material in the battered tankard ... and you have no way of knowing which of the first floor rooms have windows large enough for you to escape out of. In fact, there is no guarantee that there are any.such windows on the first floor, as the only ones windows you have seen of such a size were the ones in the common room - which won't work, so long as you intend to keep this a stealthy escape.
For the second time, your lack of knowledge about this establishment galls you - you don't the extent of its footprint, you don't know where all of the exits are, you don't know about the windows ... Hell, you don't even know the name of this public house. And you might yet end up paying for that ignorance. With most of your working material either drunk or dumped, you have what you figure to be about two attempts, maybe three - and with restricting the amount of working material you are using so dramatically, those attempts are going to be much harder than the previous one. Making matters worse, there is no helpful trail of Strange footfalls leading you to a room with a window suitable for you to exfiltrate from. Maybe ... maybe you should get your hands on some more working material somehow. If you were lucky, you could break into a room with a filled washbasin - but can you count on being that lucky? Rather, <span class="mu-i">should</span> you count on being that lucky? Perhaps you should wheedle another thing of ale from the proprietor, and while you are at it, tell him that you are going to 'take some fresh air'. So long as you leave your cart behind, you couldn't see any objections he could raise, and more working material and an opportunity to find a viable window would make your escape much easier - but you wouldn't be disappearing, at least, not as cleanly ...
Maker's Mercy, why do you keep ending up in these shit circumstances? Well ... you have been burning the candle at both ends for two days and two nights more or less straight, and then before that, you were working harder than usual to make up for father's absence in the South Burying Ground. Eventually, something was going to have to suffer for it. Just ... short of risking the proprietors attention one more time, or committing yourself to complicated casts with nothing to vouchsafe any value to them, is there any other way that you could get out of this place?