>>533227364 & 6 & 0 vs 50
Under the moonlight, the group tries to find some kind of fruits or nuts for the ghouls.
Cris manages to find some Mangifera, a fruit with mango like shape with green skin and white flesh. Sweet, full of water and found in the wild.
Zeal can only find some kind of mushroom. He tests it by rubbing it against his skin. After a few minutes, he got a rash. Definitely not edible.
Pine tries to catch an animal by taking off her coat and using it as a net. Her constantly closing eyelids and sluggish movement made her too slow to catch anything.
In the end, Zeal and Pine rests against a tree to catch their breath while Cris walks towards the ghoul.
She puts a pile of fruits on a cloth and
beckons the ghoul to eat it.
The tall creature stops tearing the branches and looks at the human briefly. Their skeletal fingers grab some of the fruits and crushes it near their mouth.
The chunks were too big to fit inside the mouth, but the juices managed to flow down the throat.
After a few of the fruits were consumed, Cris asks the ghoul to guide them to the academy. Zeal and Pine catches up with her at last and looks at the entity.
It leans down and carries the three in it’s hands.
High above the forest, they see the serpent scholars island and the academy in the distance. Cris points at the academy main tower and says that place is where they want to be.
As the ghoul walks through the forest, the three’s grasp on reality slowly becomes looser.
The dark midnight sky turns into a bright orange sunset. Large metal pots burst from the ground, containing boiling water torment naked humans and other beings.
No matter how much their skin burns away, their body continues to regenerate the flesh and the sounds of their suffering is unending.
Pine barely remembers the teachings of those monks now, but this appears to a punishment in hell for those that cause death excessively.
The ghoul walk past the pots, heading towards seemingly flat ground.
Large trees sprout from the ground, covered in spikes.
At this moment the group is barely awake, but Pine manages to look downwards.
She sees that the base of the tree is filled with naked humans, forced to climb the trees by birds and hunters tearing apart flesh of those that don’t climb fast enough.
Their bodies become dots in the distance as the ghoul continues to walk forward.