Rolled 1 - 1 (1d3 - 1)
>>5534372“Oof, my chest.” You try to sit up, but fall back in pain. “May have cracked a rib there.”
Lieutenant La’afette looks down dispassionately at you, the Laedra’s green tinged skin paler than usual, and raises an eyebrow. A trickle of blood seeps down from a cut on his forehead and he stands slightly askew, clearly favouring a leg.
“Do you need assistance, Sir?” He asks coolly, “If not, there are others who may yet be in danger.”
You hear a deep groaning, from the bridge command stations behind you and see Cleo peeling herself off the console. A muffled yelp from beneath her tangled limbs, is soon revealed itself to be a disgruntled Ops officer. It seems the Ulveng woman shielded Kiro from the worst of the collision shock, sparing him any further injury.
“No, no.” You clamber back to your feet, wincing. “We need to deal with whatever damage that boarding craft did to my ship. We’re under attack, if you haven’t heard.”
“I see,” he replies, taking a step back and observing the general state of chaos the observation deck is in. “And I take it you’re taking charge because…”
“I’m the highest ranking command officer left alive, yes.” You smooth over your features, pushing down your emotions for future you to deal with and take your seat.
“Acknowledged, Acting Captain.” He slides into the tactical command station and quickly appraises himself of the situation. Turning to your other two officers he begins, “Mr Skyeskal, Miss Clifton…”
“Kiro, please.” The Marrok in question interjects.
“Are you in a sound state to fight?” he continues without pause, “It appears we may have company soon.”
You hear the distant sounds of gunfire and the snap of directed energy weapons, emanating through the deck below and to starboard. Somehow, whatever was in that boarding pod must have survived the collision.
>Rolling for collision damage to Cleo and any absorbed damage she took from shielding Kiro. (0-2 Health.)