>>5361903>>5361874>>5361635>>5361633>>5361619>>5361603>>5361581I don't know how many of you joined the Discord server yet, but I figured I'd drop back in to just shill a few things since it's become relevant in these games. A lot of the reason that Conqstr has been able to also look at a bunch of new maps is because of work we've been doing to supply the entire Risk community with a fully featured map archive. Much of that work was done within the /conqst/ discord which you can join in the week below. I know not everyone is gonna be excited for a Discord and perhaps most of you probably won't join it, which is why I wanted to directly link to our map collection. I am one of the chief maintainers of this gigantic collection of maps going back to work anons had done in 2011. That's literally more than a decade of content collected over the years, and it's almost been lost on numerous occasions because of people having infighting with one another.
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1tyKEQpE9y-FZ8LhQmthzw7lGDihpp4zWI encourage you to take a look at it or even bookmark it if you're feeling inspired to host games on the board. If you want to help me add more content into it, feel free to read up the document talking about the archive for a Discord link + my direct profile if you hate groups. Or simply post maps you might have been working on in here with a reply to this post.