>>6205507>>6205508>>6205509>>6205510>>6205511>>6205516You immediately follow after her, leaving Eric and Ralph alone. Ralph calls out.
"Fido?! Wait up, man!"
You ignore him. Fuck, fuck, fuck. This is the worst case scenario, it really is. What do you do? What do you do? What is... she going to think of you? What did Lily do to her?!
When you see her you stop her, before immediately vomitting. She looks away as you gain your composure. You ask her about the circumstances.
"I don't know! Maybe I unknowingly dropped some hint back at the house... We were only there for an hour getting you medicine and new bandages. That kid is supernaturally fucking observant! Nosy too! One minute she's on the couch, the next she's upstairs. She notices some fucking tiny little bloodstain I missed and starts asking question. Apparently she knew about the fire, so she starts asking that too. Then she starts asking about the pictures on the wall... the grave outside... how I met you... all of it! And eventually I guess it just... clicked or something. I told her the truth, tried to get her to calm down, but I had to..." she sighs, "I had to... lock her up. I tied her hands and locked her in this little locker. Dragged it out into the garage and then just... left."
What?! You begin freaking out even more. You tell her you need to head back immediately.
"No! It's fine! She can breathe, I poked holes. We don't have much fucking time, Fido, we can't miss this chance! We can deal with her when we get back, she'll hold..."
God... oh God...
DAY TIMER: 9:53:20
>Punch her>Run home>Agree and go to Alienfest>Question>Demand>Scream at her>Cry>Something else