>>5231747The rest of the trip is uneventful, as over the next hour Serena leads you from the city into the forested rolling hills at the base of the nearby mountain range. No monsters try attacking either of you, no doubt wary of your unfamiliar scent. But as you walk deeper into the forest over the beaten path, she eventually leads you to a clearly-abandoned building. It's an old wooden structure, windows missing their glass panes, and holes in the roof that have let the weather in. But despite the broken windows and vines growing up the sides, the front double doors are still closed up tight. No doubt the efforts of the last group who'd failed to subdue this spirit.
“Here we are.” she says, stopping at the edge of the clearing. Or former clearing, as the building's been abandoned long enough for new trees to have begun growing in that area. “This is the only known Church of Regina, the goddess of manipulation and revenge in all of the Kingdom of Belzerg. “Good luck Chilli, I'm rooting for you.”
“I won't fail.” you say confidently, drawing your staff from within your coat with your right hand. You flip it around to hold it by the back end, and with a small effort channel your magical power into the instrument. Your staff's pale crystal blade quickly grows from the instrument, motes of pale azure light raining down from it like a light dusting of snow. Armed with your reliable instrument, you begin striding forward confidently, walking right up towards the doors.
Standing directly in front of the solid-seeming wooden doors, you consider kicking them down and rushing in ready for war. But you decide that wouldn't be likely to peacefully send the ghost to the afterlife, and instead approach this a bit more respectfully. So you reach out, grabbing the left handle and pulling the door out. Rusty metal squeals as you slowly open the door, but while you do what looks like pale mist begins seeping out through the door. Opening the door fully, you hold your staff before you and walk in. Your crystal scythe blade's pale light partially illuminates the room, the knee-level mist hovering around the floor. The room has two columns of mostly damaged and broken wooden pews lining the central aisle to the altar, You can see signs of a previous struggle the nearer you get to the altar, but as you approach hear a ghostly, definitely-female voice start speaking.
“Welcome, traveler.” a source-less woman's voice calls, you getting the distinct feeling that someone or something is watching you. “Have you come seeking the blessings of our vengeful goddess, Regina?”