>>5198390<span class="mu-s">Combat Resolution (Party)</span>
The creature stumbles back and prepares for another strike. You rotate your stance, bringing your weapon back into a raised guard position. The rotting creature bares its teeth and pounces at you, and you are suddenly overcome by an instinct to strike at this exact moment. You have no time to think about the logistics - taking advantage of the slightest weakness, you step forward, bringing your weapon across the zombie's chest and using its own momentum to cut into its flesh. You deal <span class="mu-s">30 slashing damage</span>, killing the undead creature.
The zombie falls to the floor in a clump of rotting blood and severed flesh. Its only living friend has disappeared into the woods entirely, its terrified shrieks no longer audible.
<span class="mu-s">The combat encounter is over, you didn't die.</span>
<span class="mu-s">You gain 800 XP, putting your total XP at 1700.</span>
<span class="mu-s">(1,000 XP remaining until 4th level.)</span>