>>5957361>Alt-Text: Comic art of The Bat-Signal, a spotlight, that projects a Batlogo, in the night sky above Gotham City. >Pencils: Ramon Bachs. Inks: Nathan Massengill. Colors: Jason WrightCountless history books, postmortems, and government files would be written on what happened in Gotham this night.
None would be true. The only truth would be in the hearts of the city.
The hearts of the people who saw heard the hoof steps crashing through the streets, melting away violence like the snow they trampled.
Atop Apolcaypse, you expected to see mayhem, but in every neighborhood you galloped through you saw The City coming together.
Sharing food, putting out fires. Keeping each other safe. And when that fails, there’s you.
FRANZ: AHHH! Let me go.
He struggles against your lasso, as his intended victim runs away.
BATMAN: Stop screaming and listen. We’re not police, we’re not judges. Tonight, we are the law. I’m going to tie you to that lampost. You’re going to stay on that lamp post. And you’re going to remember that, unlike the cops and the courts. We’re not letting you get away with this. Understand?
You mount your animal ally and your posse moves on.
BLACK MASK: Why didn’t you ice the thug?
BATMAN: Lethal force is for enemy combatants, not immobilized garbage like Paris Franz. We’re warriors, not executioners.
You follow the mobster's gaze and see your emblem carved into the sky by a spear of light.
BLACK MASK: Are we doing that?
BATMAN: No. Stay here. I’m seeing who is.
You land on the roof the spotlight is beaming from. You’re prepped for battle, but are greeted with a scaley bear hug.
CROC: What up, Bats!
BATMAN: Croc! You’re free.
CROC: I had some help.
He points to Agent Turner and Chase. You put your hand on your holster.
CHASE: Easy, cowboy. We’re here to help.
TURNER: After you had your ego trip and chased Riddler headfirst into a cop van, we went underground. Then the bomb dropped.
CHASE: CBI protocol for an EMP attack means all assets will be transferred to a bug-out base for evacuation. I memorized its coordinates.
TURNER: This will be a chance to hit them back, and stop whatever Waller and Riddler have planned.
BATMAN: Why should I trust you, Chase? You’re not the rebel type.
CHASE: I joined the CBI to stop freaks like you from getting themselves and civilians hurt. Waller’s gone off the rails, she might as well be wearing a cape and mask herself.
BATMAN: An alliance of convenience, then. We take down Waller and you go back to your jobs.
TURNER: Not me. When this blows over...
He puts on a high-tech Tiger Mask.
BRONZE TIGER: I have a different fight.
CROC: We’re good then. I see your rodeo army, let’s crack some fed heads.
CHASE: We’re not killing anyone. We break into the base, get Waller and her intel, and get out.
BATMAN: My people will act appropriately. Make sure you do the same.