>>5751982"What do you say about going to karaoke? I remember there was a really nice one near here." You offer to the girls, getting a good spectrum of reactions.
Suzuko seems to like the idea a lot, but she is confused as to why you would propose such a thing.
Next to her, Hikari immediately jumps up in excitement and merriment, the little bundle of energy starting to come up with songs to sing
On the other hand, although Masuyo does not seem to be against the idea, she inquires about the issue of money, in addition to asking where exactly the place is.
And then there's Rei, who seems very nervous about the idea, looking at you fearfully as she plays with the sleeves of her shirt.
You immediately set out to clear up Masuyo's doubts. "It's near the old hospital, did you have ever see the big dog statue? You follow that street three blocks. You can't miss it, it's the red building." Memories of the place don't take long to put a smile on your face. "And don't worry about the money, I'll pay."
You may not have been in a while, but you still remember the trail by heart. Maybe you can go with your friends there later?
Unfortunately, Masuyo's face suggests that she did not understand your directions. "Could you repeat what you said please, Yuu-san?" She asks, cell phone in hand.
Sighing, your sister comes to your rescue. "It's in Jotomachi Noda, near the corner with Shinei." Suzuko's sharp gaze falls on you, as she crosses her arms.
You smile awkwardly at her, scratching the back of her neck. "I'm sorry."
"I-I'm not sure..." Rei's soft voice says from behind Masuyo, the taller girl trying to stand in her shadow without much success.
A smiling Hikari tries to persuade her friend, perhaps with too much energy. "It'll be great! Like reciting poetry, but with the music and everything! I'm going to use the maracas, and you can use the cymbals! Come on, it'll be fun, Rei-rei!
The tall girl takes a deep breath, before giving a weak, but genuine smile. "L-let's do it, then!"
All the girls quickly start exchanging messages with their parents before starting their way to karaoke.