>>5409503>>5409505>>5409516>>5409532Thank you kind anons, I am really humbled by your appreciation! I actually do not think my quests are that impressive, most of them are just philosophical or literary worldbuilding experiments or random news articles and poems I have read or pilfered from wikipedia hehe. I do like seeing the different styles and approaches of everyone else, I am always fascinated to find out what other people find intriguing, immersive, entertaining, enjoyable etc.
I think this anon
>>5409532already cited many of the other very impressive QMs. I borrow/steal hehe all of my art whilst most of the other dedicated QMs here hand-draw everything, I admire their commitment for those and also all the QMs with long-running saga quests, I tend to prefer shorter quest formats, and whilst I keep some of the names and characters, factions and places my inclination is to change the setting in every new game thread.
Also my games always tend to be grimdark fairly serious horror cringedark tragedy lol, I especially admire all the QMs who can maintain whimsical, lighthearted happy or funny comedy settings, sadly vampire sorcery extinguishes all ability to transmit joy or love.
I always think I could do more improvising at the table as DM instead of in this asynchronous text thread format. When I ran games when I was younger I used to create little item cards (really just cut up printed pictures on paper) for special equipment or magic game items and outfits etc, some of that I miss doing nowadays. Also there are some things like tarot card spells or items factions npcs etc, it is not the same rolling for it with virtual dice, it is much better if you have the cards or item sheets in your hand to cast / use etc. I used to have this table rule where if you had combat dice in your hand ready to roll, it meant you had weapons drawn etc and could not be ambushed. That was always a fun and tactile gameplay thing, and you could also (engage evil DM mode) trick people with it (eg oh you have combat dice in your hand? How will you grab onto the ledge when a trapdoor opens beneath you muahahaha) A lot of stuff like this is lost in the text thread format.