>>5729192The female Infiltrator does as you require, leading you in the opposite direction of the bay, away from your divinely-ordained objective. You speculate silently upon the Serpent Priests’ schemes as you travel, trying to work out what they might be contaminating the water sources with. Is it merely a poison? If so, and if they have already begun the process, then why has there been no report of epidemic illness?
As you and Albacete arrive at the aquifer system, you are immediately struck by its grandeur and complexity. The city's aqueducts stretch out before you, an intricate network of stone arches and channels that bring water from distant sources—especially underground river channels spreading downf rom the mountains and up from below the plains—to nourish the city. The engineering marvel is primitive in comparison to the complexity of those fo the Master Race in their heyday, but nevertheless impressive work.
You carefully make your way down a set of worn stone steps that lead to the underground reservoirs. The air becomes damp and cool as you descend, the sound of running water echoing in the distance. No torches are lit here; without Darkvision, you’d be lost. You and Albacete move together in silence, cognizant that your quarry share your racial advantages.
Albacete leads you deeper into the tunnels, navigating with surprisingly expert familiarity. Has her work here as an Infiltrator called upon her to visit such places? The architecture of the reservoirs themselves is impressive, as above, with massive chambers hewn into the rock and supported by stout pillars. Water gushes into the first reservoir through an opening in the ceiling, filling it to the brim before cascading down into a series of smaller interconnected basins.
You draw your assassin’s blade, appropriate to the close quarters, and cast your gaze about… But there is nothing and no one here. No Reptilians, yes, but also no humans.
“The people of Hawksong leave their water so unguarded?” you ask, incredulous, whispering in the True Speech.
"It may seem baffling to such as us, but the truth is that Hawksong has always felt safe from external threats. The naval fortress, where Prince Rufos is hiding… The walls outside… Until recent events, the threat was always assumed to come from without. The reservoirs have never been targeted before, so they haven't been guarded as heavily."
“Even so…” you murmur.
“It is not the only one,” Albacete notes.
“No shortage of water sources to draw from,” you echo Olu’s earlier sentiment. “The amount of poison which would be needed to contaminate it all…”
“We should move on, to the next such reservoir,” Albacete suggests. “We may yet catch them in the act, and discover their plot, yes?”