Is he a Dark Lord reborn? A bright light and hope for the future? Both, depending who you ask? ELLIOT HALLASTER would surely wear these titles and still more as a badge of pride, just as he wore his ridiculous(ly cool) tophat, monocle, and fake moustache during his victory soirees as leader of the Raiders of Lost Worlds in Harry Potter’s (yes THAT Harry Potter) battle class. While he’s taken a step back, this was only to stop DISPPEARING HOGWARTS, and all the rest of known space and time, from being consumed by the hungry ghost of the legendary magician Merlin, or dominated by the sinister spectre of Salazar Slytherin. With Helga Hufflepuff herself riding shotgun in his noggin, and a small cadre of loyal friends willing to ride-or-die with this little mudblood, I think we can say Dark/Biright Lord Halalster is ready to fuck shit UP!