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<span class="mu-i">Tier gets the drop on a distant group as they round a corner, swinging, tackling - and the Rats, for once, don't break and scatter but form up, shout and start pulling knives. Tier clocks a few of them, and one of those grunts won't stand up again for a while, but their collective front wards him off.
As Tier dips down an alley and shakes his pursuers by clambering up a convenient roof, he knows that now that the Patrol has been intercepted, they've begun ACTIVELY SEARCHING.
They respond other events within their movement range. Luckily, nothing we need is of any particular concern and the great mobility of our interceptors allow us to easily bypass these more in depth patrols. It'd be worse if we had something in their search area we needed to protect or if we had wounded who are too slow to easily hit and run--
Mock sprints away from Ratport, a wounded Waxworm slung in a grip, boots bounding on the muddy pavement and a *score* of very well motivated Slicerats on the prowl, right behind.
Weighed down like this, Mock doesn't benefit from the free-range mobility of our interceptors. He has a place to go and a need to get there.
Mock, you can drop your cargo at any time, and fade away into the city with a simple Move-Check. That moves you to the Interception layer, where you have more flexibility.
If you don't wish to drop your cargo, you have a Tactical Move of 1.
You can perform a Move-Check to move a further 1 *or* do some other action. Your particular cargo, Waxworm, is bleeding profusely from knife-wounds. He won't die just now, but if we don't get that patched - if you don't get patched - he won't be much help to anyone.
Or you can stand and face your pursuers, rolling an Intercept as normal against anyone in range.
But that group of RAT HUNTERS looks *fierce*. Attacking them head on is not in our favor. They too have tactical movement range of 1, and will pursue you. But luckily, if they tried to sprint, they'd lose members on the way, bleeding strength. They'll likely move as a group.
Any <span class="mu-s">interceptor</span> can use a skill roll, contacts, or some other clever cunning thing to try and alter the situation. This is the action you take *instead* of intercepting, and it's been possible this entire time, but perhaps it's useful to tell you the truth of it: You'd apply your skills, your cunning and your contacts towards carrying something out. Block routes, arrange distractions, slow down Rats, find a doctor that can tend to friends. When doing this, you naturally don't get to Intercept a specific group, but you could work together to split larger formations up, block pathways, such things.
The Rat Hunters are apt to simply be too many people to adaquately fight all at once, especially as they're being lead by their banner-leaders.</span>