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You have decided to <span class="mu-s">pardon</span> the Dulioan family, and by extension, restore their noble status in the Hegemony. You welcome them home, the profligate family who once betrayed the Supreme Ruler in a great era of misunderstanding and foolishness. Two wrongs don't make a right, after all.
With the return of the Dulioans, the Val family's status as a “replacement” noble house is somewhat questioned. Regardless, Jaxt, your homeworld and seat of power, feels a little more crowded now.
With the donning of the <span class="mu-s">Deathmask</span>, the Hegemony's people are whipped back into shape. However, there is a noticeable difference then the previous <span class="mu-s">UNSPEAKABLE</span> who wore it. Your influence over the people, while hard as steel, is less critical of their nature, less inquisition to their purity and loyalty. Instead, you are more as the master who leashes the hounds, who chomp at the bit, readying their fangs for your enemies in a hateful glee. They merely ready you to loose them.
Once the fleet is restored, you will.
The Hegemony's war machine whirls back to life, at a lesser cost and at greater speed then otherwise due to the recent war at the Stand, exactly as was advised. But this isn't about fulfilling the mission of some irrelevant, still living-Supreme. Your mission is one of revenge, of clearing the way, and doing what should have done a long time ago.
The HVS's push towards independence means many of the Hazaar are already jockeying into positions of power from the vacuum left by your retreat. The vast majority of them have no idea what is coming. You broadcast manipulations, raising tensions among the different “races” of Hazaar, and have your AI manipulate economic data to make it seem as though stockpiling food, weapons, and other resources is less valuable then networking and building large social registries. Many of the Hegemony's laws are intentionally broken, and in the following few years, the Hazaar degenerate towards their sexual and filthy baseline. The black books of Hazaar prostitutes and mailing lists for the newest euphoric drugs will become your spreadsheets for genocide. It's time to end this.