>>6132259>>6132300>>6132330>>6132389>>6132408>>6132422>>6132710>>6132710I don't mean to alarm you all, but something Spooky is happening
>>6128116There's Spooks everywhere. We have 3 player quests active where new players can join in to fight for their lives against a diverse coalitions of Spooks.
Spooks in costumes and Spooks in dirty old grave clothes.
The point is.
The long and short of it is.
The object of my interjection is.
The thing I am getting at is.
>SPOOKSspooks, my parasocial friends. They be everwherrrrr. And they ainy gwine keel dey selfs.
So load up your shotguns and gas up that chainsaw and have a Spook ball, and a piece of a Spook arm and some tattered pieces of Spook clothing.
Oh, abd also, it's halloween themed. So happy halloween!