>>5725880>>5725926>>5725998Very well then, the Furnace it is, in which more advanced forms of cooking and metallurgy will eventually be forged in. For the time being, however, it will afford greater comfort, heat and utility for drying meats and other useful functions.
We now move onto the next randomly-generated event.
>Infiltration!It has come to our attention that the rat-goblins have been sneaking into our lands more and more frequently as of late, and are now making their way into our cities. These rat-like goblinoids have been skulking about, mostly at night, digging burrows in which to hide. When glimpsed, they would always run and hide, and many believed initially they were mistaken or had seen something else. However, definitive proof is obtained when a particularly vigilant group of guards captures a pair of the rat-goblins and strings them up in a net.
The rat-goblins attempt to escape by chewing through their bonds, but a threat of violence if they do so keeps them in check. The rat-goblins deny any attempts at broader infiltration; they claim to be alone, but this is known to not be the case, for the number of reports and location of them are too numerous and spread out to be done by merely two of them.
In the midst of questioning, however, is when reports of illnesses start coming in. Tainted food and water causing terrible sores and boils begin to afflict your people on a wide scale, causing great pain and discomfort. It is known that two ages ago, the rat-goblins habit of burying their dead in the water was causing your people to become ill, but now it seems the rat-goblins have harnessed this and employed it on a mass-scale. The captured rat-goblins initially profess no knowledge of any such plot, but when tortured they reveal that it is indeed their doing. They, and many other scout cells, have been crossing into your lands and purposefully contaminating food sources while their main population focused on contaminating the water supply (as they live upstream of your people). The reason is apparently due to your dragons, which are demons of fire and smoke in their sky-worship religion (the dragon's history of eating their kind is also a contributing factor).
It is difficult to determine how many of your people have fallen ill already, but the effects are already upon you, reducing the effectiveness of the populace. Regardless, action must be taken. What will we do to combat the disease? How will we respond to this act of aggression by the rat-goblins?