Quoted By:
After considering it for a moment, you decided that the criminally insane streamer and the cyborg shark could be left to their own devices for a little while. That left you with nothing but time on your hands. And since you’d already settled on the idea of spending the rest of your day here with the Morlocks…
You craned your neck to glance up at the woman flying overhead, and let out a sharp whistle. She and a few of the Morlocks turned to stare at you.
<span class="mu-r">“Hey! Can we talk?”</span>
She raised an eyebrow at that, seemingly caught off guard by the request.
<span class="mu-r">“Yeah, you! For the moment, you’re the only non-plant monster occupying the airspace.”</span> you shouted, flagging her down with both hands.
Without arguing, Storm slowly floated down and landed a few feet away from you.
<span class="mu-b">“What is it you need?”</span> she asked.
<span class="mu-r">“I’d love to tell you, but I was actually hoping for a little more privacy before I went into details.”</span> you said, turning to look at the active Ferris Wheel.
Storm turned to look as well, caution, curiosity and mild amusement playing across her features. And to her credit, she didn’t ask whether it was safe before agreeing.
Despite being a bit rickety, the Ferris Wheel seemed to be perfectly functional and structurally sound. You had no idea whether it would stay that way, or if Ember would need to conduct routine maintenance via pixel reinforcement, but you decided not to worry about that right now.
Because right now, Storm of the X-Men was sitting directly across from you in your cabin. She sat with her legs together, her spine ramrod straight, and her hands folded over her lap. Even the way she sat was elegant. It gave you the uncomfortable impression of sitting across from royalty.
It might’ve made a lesser man lose his composure, but after facing down the likes of Doctor Doom, you couldn’t bring yourself to flinch under her imperious gaze.
<span class="mu-b">“So,”</span> she began, her expression stern. <span class="mu-b">“What is it that you would like to discuss?”</span>
What will you say?
>”I was hoping that you could put me in contact with the X-Men. I’m in the business of problem-solving, and I think we could have a mutually beneficial relationship.”
>”I’m not sure how much Callisto and Glass have told you, but the Morlocks are trying to start a business. It would really help if they had the support of the X-Men.”
>”You and Callisto seem to have history. If you wouldn’t mind, I’d like to know more about that.”
>”I was just in the mood for a nice, leisurely chat. I don’t really get this ‘mutant politics’ stuff, and I was hoping you could help shed a little light on it. Because I genuinely can’t understand where all the animosity is coming from.”