>>6100109“So don’t worry your tiny little head about it, okay? Besides, skills like fighting, footwork, and staying calm when covered in acid can all be taught! You know what <span class="mu-i">can’t</span> be taught?”
“<span class="mu-s">HEART,</span>” She replies as she nearly pokes your eye out trying to place a claw on your chest, “You can’t. Teach. Heart.”
One more thing, you add as you dodge her razor-sharp claw, do they offer dental?
“Dental? Like… teeth?”
Yea, you nod, like keeping them clean?
“Hah! Worry not, chum–teeth grow back!”
Giving your nose one last poke, the girl gives you a gentle shake before continuing down the unseen path with renewed spring in her step. She probably gets about four notes of her humming in before another thought distracts her.
“Say, Rook–since we’re comrades-in-tail now until we die, I just realized I don’t know anything about you!”
Yea, you reply sheepishly, your mind’s been pretty foggy ever since you arrived here… you’re still piecing things together yourself!
“Oooh, how <span class="mu-i">INTERESTING!</span>” Volka laughs. “You’re gonna have to fight off hordes of ladies with that mysterious air about you, Rook!” You take an elbow to the face that was probably supposed to be a playful nudge. “Just kiddiiiiing~” Clearing her throat, the amazon swings you back and forth like a toddler would a lunchbox. “Really though, I’ve been jabbering for far too long! Tell me about Anton! Who is he? What is he? Where is he… erm, from?”
What do you tell her?
>Tell her about where you’re from!>Tell her about yourself!>Tell her about humans!>Tell her about your dimension!>Write-In!