>>5624061interpreter tool!
>>5624253 it does something, Artemis probably knows!
>>5624458 >>5625466!Interpreter tool and nanoMana emulator!
>>5625466 become as gods!
>>5627508>For future reference are there multiple DC's for this check or was it a pass fail kind of deal, on top of theorizing impacting the roll type, while a neat touch only makes me more concerned because the difficulty of a roll is massively dependent on the roll type especially with fixed DCsKay, so! To begin with, I approached this with a similar philosophy to the Forgettings: I'd take a look at what everyone thought and then give priority to the understanding closest to perfect. This determines whether the roll became Worst of, Average of, or Best of.
There <span class="mu-i">are</span> degrees of success and failure as well! This is taken in aggregate, shifting down or up depending on how on or off point <span class="mu-i">all</span> the theories turned out to be. One person getting the correct (or close to) answer would lock in Best Of, and then the DC is shifted up or down from that point based on how well the rest of the theories displayed an understanding.
So as a purely theoretical example, let's say the <span class="mu-i">base</span> DC is 65. For a Bo3 system this isn't too difficult to manage, for Ao3 it'll be tough. For Wo3, you are in danger. None of you in this theoretical example really know what you're talking about (I would consider this a failure on my part as a QM, really), so you get Wo3. On top of that, your theories are so wildly off point and unfounded that the DC and its contingent degrees are all shifted upward by ~5 per batshit insane theory. There's 4 of you, so now the theoretical troupe needs to manage a DC 85 Wo3 roll to succeed, higher to succeed perfectly and gain long term benefits.
In this same example, we could say one of you <span class="mu-i">sort of</span> had the idea. You talked through your reasoning and logic, it was all solid, so you clearly know what you're talking about... You just took a swerve towards the end and wound up lost. This locks in Ao3 for base DC 65. An average understanding won't alter DCs, so now instead of 65 -> 85, you're looking at 65 -> 80, because your peers are raving lunatics. Ao3 80 is still a rough mark.
Finally, let's say one of you nearly nailed it. You caught the clues, you saw the foreshadowing, you know what you're about!
I'm proud of you! It makes me gush when you're so sharp about things! This locks in Bo3 for base DC 65. A good understanding means they <span class="mu-i">also</span> provide a -5 to the DC, so you're now working at Bo3 60.
In the generally unlikely event someone reaches out and just slaps down the exact correct answer, I planned to weight it more heavily, probably in the -10 or -15 range.
The goal is for the outcome to provide the most statistical sway (roll type) to someone deeply invested, while then also allowing others to affect the end result with their own understanding rather than purely relying on RNG.