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Within yourself, there is deliberation. You consider the three young men before you- only to settle on Hwat and Cijan as your two real options. Eventually, you decide on the two-tail.
<span class="mu-b">"This is your burden now, Cijan. You are now the Supreme Ruler."</span>
"Thank you, Master. This is an honor I do not take lightly-"
<span class="mu-b">"Ahh- Cijan. I am not your master anymore. You are now the Master."</span>
"I- Thank you, Eoba II."
With that, you now know the future of the Hegemony is secured. You've lived a long and fulfilling life- and career as the Supreme Ruler. You've expanded your empire beyond a tiny blip in the cosmic ocean into a fully fledged space civilization. However, while you filled in the borders of the map, it is time for your successor to build it up. The last few years of your reign are spent preparing your successor through the final phase of his training, and running the empire until he is ready...