>>5786827“What? No, I haven't skipped out on my training.” he replies a bit indignantly, looking confused. “Did she not tell you? I told her that I was done with her, that I didn't want to see her anymore a week ago.”
You feel your brows go up at this as your eyes widen, not having expected this. And, seeing your reaction sighs out, powering back down.
“Looks like she didn't tell you. But we've been on the outs for a while now.” he says, sounding just... Tired. “For the past few months, she's been spending more and more time away, either training or over at Dreadzone doing who knows what. I've tried to talk to her about this, but nothing I said ever made a difference. She kept ignoring my wishes, not talking to me and dismissing what I wanted. So, last week I told her it was over, that I wasn't chasing her anymore. And I didn't see her again, until, well, this morning.”
“So, you're telling me that you haven't been together for over a week?” you ask, to which Raditz nods. And you just sigh out, seems you were right to have your suspicions.
“I think she must not have believed me, which lead to her kicking my door down today.” he continues, sounding almost apologetic at this point. “Sorry you got dragged into all this mess General Karn.”
Well? How do you take this news?
>Apologize on her behalf, tell him that if she causes him any more trouble to reach out to you and you'll moderate>Accept his apology and let it end there, you found out what you wanted to and can leave it here>Let him know that their business is their own, but to try and keep it civil. They're still allies after all, even with personal animosity between them they may have to fight side-by-side>Tell him that he needs to come with you to confront Chaya directly right now, to have this all out in the open and put an end to it>Other(write in)