Quoted By:
>Push her
It's not like she needs you to push her. This shy teenager is already stomping on the demons holding her down, the ones in her head. And yet, yes, standing is good, stretching your legs is good-
yet, a full minute in, that's all that happened. You feel your galaxy-wide cheeks puff. What good is standing if you don't walk? Walk over there! Unless it's to intimidate her soon-to-be friends, who certainly /are/ feeling her presence looming over them by like a head or two. Thirty seconds later, you cringe. You decide that, as a goddess, you have been personally offended by this behavior. Did she consider that you could be watching? No? Good enough. Time to punish her.
And in she goes, with a shrill little scream, ten years old little Emma. All it took was for a cold drop of water from the moisture on the ceiling to land on the back of her neck. You watch with expectancy, almost giddy, as if holding a quasar-sized popcorn bucket. They are all looking at her, some with eyes a bit too wide. You go, emerald eyes!
Alas; emerald eyes is, in fact, as nine out of ten scientists would agree, /not/ going. The emerald eyes aren't even pointing where they should- at the people right in front of her. The boys are already trading looks. Someone even took out a cell phone with the subtlety of a ninja on a monster truck. Oh me oh my please nono it's simple just don't say something stu-
Emma: D-did you know my great great great grandfather cock-slapped the universe into existence? That makes him a god so I'm kind of a princess!
Eons later, you cringe again; the last time was when Sayaka confessed to Kyousuke on April Fool's of all days. Bue more than the cringe, what is tangible is the shift in karmic weight, oh no... you can tell.
Yet as things happen, you shrug. You are bigguca, after all, the biggest guca. If the time comes, you will take responsibility and keep the fluffy paws of the Incubators away from this girl. No biggie but you.
But who knows? Maybe you won't even have to. The concept of a "present" is now, to you, as much of a stranger as being a goddess was back then. Things can change, and very much so. It wasn't Semenov Imeredala who would go on to continue the Imeredala bloodline, but Ilhan Kovačević, his best friend. He adopted the last name after Semenov called an old train a piece of shit and said he could outrun it and tried. Things happen, maybe. Who knows.
Not you.