Rolled 20, 10, 3 = 33 (3d20)
>>5603837This seems to entice the Princess—the mystery of your falsified origins, the exotic and dashing adventurer from far off lands. She looks to you hungrily—not as Irinnile might, or Glowie, or even Jazkarmel once upon a time, or as any other female with whom you have shared lustful desire. No, it is the scholarly hunger you more commonly associate with your great love, The Novice Fleshweaver: the hunger for knowledge beyond the carnal.
“What is it like, where you come from?” she asks. “What are the people like, there?”
You realize that this is your moment to make your move, and so you must seize that moment and move swiftly and strike at the heart of this human female. But… Long Wang is a mask, a hurriedly-appropriated name for a false face. You never bothered to devise any sort of… Backstory! No, you’ll need to work with the truth, albeit shrouded behind a veil of vagueness.
“Where I come from,” you begin, “ it is very different. The land iss… Harsh, inhossspitable.”
“Steppe often can be, I am told,” the princess says, then places her hands cutely to her mouth and as her eyes widen. “Sorry, I am interrupting! Please, please, continue.”
You do so, slowly and methodically—the ‘language barrier’ should provide adequate excuse, as you formulate a way to describe your past and present as a member of the Reptilian Master Race without SAYING as much.
“My people are few,” you continue. “Oncce, we were… Numerouss. Great. A… Well, a horde, maybe? An empire? It dependsss who you asssk. Ssome… Ssome call us barbariansss.”
The Princess smiles slightly at this reference to your earlier discussion.
“Now… It sseemss that a long period of hardship hasss driven the joy and love from my people’sss heartsss. I am often faced with the ssad truth of what we have lossst—not jusst material thingsss, but sssomething insside.”
The Princess nods as you speak, and you raise you’re your eyebrows. She seems to catch herself, but you encourage her to speak.
“I… Yes, as I said of my family, I… Guess I can relate, to people losing a part of themselves. Not to say I understand the… Your circumstances are different, by far, obviously.”
You regard her curiously, and she fidgets under your scrutiny, eventually filling the silence herself: