>>5943783>How does Anemone's Hide skill work? Would it prevent an enemy from finishing her off if she were in kill range, for example? Or does it just lower 'priority' when targeting with attacks?She is always lowest priority for an enemy to initiate their attacks on.
>How many charges of Eclipse does Anemone have?Two.
>Can Corrine build stacks of Bloodthirsty by defeating Flame Wisps?She can.
>Can we move units away from the fight to discourage Anacharsis from targeting them, or should we assume that all fighters and wisps can hit each other in this arena?You can. I've updated the map a bit. We'll call it Anacharsis' effective attack range. Anyone standing in purple would be able to attack and be attacked by Anacharsis. If you have a ranged unit attack Anacharsis, it will be implied they're standing in the purple. I'll note that you can have your Corrine and Uriel stand directly outside the purple and heal ranged units without fear of being attacked. As the map stands now, they'd have to enter the purple to heal Melee units.
Purple will be Anacharsis' effective range for this turn, though it can be subject to change.