Quoted By:
Rolled 4, 5 + 2 = 11 (2d6 + 2)
Shitfuck finds you hobbling back to camp. He waves you away with one hand; his baby doll is wedged in his armpit, his other arm is full carrying the hedd of the Fing.
"Henlo Sh-hm-hm, Sweetfoods."
"Forget the old place. Go that way."
You follow obediently. The moment you reach somewhere Shitfuck finds to his liking he plops down in the shade and commands you to build him another hovel.
No rest for or from the wicked.
You don't dare sulk.
Just fix up yer kludge armor a little and do one Ceremony before you go jobbing again.
>29 Dedder Dusts
>§107 -2 for impromptu repairs
>QM roll for new hovel cost and Dur
>Toady 5/12HP; no rest and patch permitted until later
>Kludge Armor 4/12Dur; no full repair permitted until later
>Yang Wuhan still needs 56LM
>22 days remaining
>Derreschston pop. 70LM remaining
>Current Derreschston Sus penalty -5
>Serch Cherch MOAR (Ш) (familiarity bonus +15)
>Serch Cherch MOAR (Ͳ) (familiarity bonus +15 +10)
>Pit (familiarity bonus +10)
>Mass Grave (Dedder Dust collection bonus +40)
>Mart Street
>Mayorate Court
>Courthouse (Familiarity bonus +15)
>Mayorate Residence + Stables
>by chokey choke? (GARROTE)
>by slashy slash? (DAGGA)
>[From whence? Write-in]
>[What? Write-in]
>Sordyfagg Sissy + ACTION (he suffers -12 Hit Chance and Dodge chance for your first encounter; -4 thereafter)
>Pit WatchBoss
>TRAINAN (Costs §2.5/day for Toady to completely focus on training) (Carrionpede Form is currently at +4(/4) Hit Chance and +2(/4) Damage) (Gui Li imposes -1 to gains in Form per gain at this time; min gain is +1)