The latent psionic potential that humanity has is magnified and manipulated by the Kaiju, until it can manifest physically. The labyrinth begins to come into existence, taking over residential areas and cities. It’s still not strong enough to completely subsume Tokyo, or larger cities, but it can easily create a lair within a rural region. This will make for an excellent commune for the Thralls, now that they’ve been pulled away from their lives and abandoned their responsibilities.
>Lair Progress (Labryinth, E18): 33%There are few nuclear sites that are completely within The Hive Mind’s territory. In order to directly control them, it’ll have to mount an attack on the power plant and enthrall its inhabitants. The few regions that have been overtaken already are quickly looted and left out in the open for The Hive Mind to pick up at its leisure.
>The Hive Mind gains 1 Energy > 3/4The JSDF is scanning for Kaiju using satellite imaging. Its attempts to rise up in the sky potentially coincide with this, unfortunately…
>Speed (F>G)<span class="mu-s">Reaction:</span>
The JSDF attempts to identify and attack whatever is causing these mass possessions. However, in order to do so, it must first locate it. And locate it they do. Satellites pick up on the mass flying high above Japan’s airspace. Planes are soon sent to attack, aiming to gun this UFO down.
>Strength (E) vs Stamina (E) >Speed (E) vs Speed (G)1d3 to see if it manages to hit The Hive Mind’s stamina, as the stealth roll failing is unavoidable. Take note of the damage if it scores a 2 or 3.
The Lobster molts its shell and grows an even tougher one. Just in time too, for the army picks that same moment to attack!
>Stamina E>D>HP 3/3>4/4<span class="mu-s">Reaction:</span>
The US Military is not ready to use a nuclear strike on their own soil. However, they have bigger guns cooking this time.
Human Army
>Size: G>Strength: E>Stamina: F>Speed: E>Special: DAs warned, an ICBM containing an experimental weapon is launched directly at the lobster, right as its carapace hardens again. The bomb is far stronger than the conventional weapons they’ve been using, and makes use of a newly-discovered source of fusion that they’ve been keeping under wraps for a decade. The missile strikes!
>Special (D) vs Stamina (D) >Mass Obliterator: This Special weapon is particularly devastating against organic targets. The shockwaves that the Mass Obliterator releases rapidly liquefy living matter, making it a dreadful weapon that can be used to take a city without destroying its infrastructure. This attack does 1 extra damage if it hits a target.1d3 to see if it can match the G.E.L’s stamina. HP will decrease if it’s a 2 or 3.