Quoted By:
Annabel (she trails off, with a touch of petulance)
- but... that's Finlay's videogame? He- he never told me they were casting for an adaptation... also, everyone knows the popular heroine of Super Vampire Basher is blonde, a really pretty, hot blonde girl, the perfect role model for young women. Like me!
-Well, I don't know, I don't really play videogames. I think this is a closed casting callback though, since the director requested only talent from a specific drama school, and this is the second round. The competition must be very tight!
>Well, this is your chance. Before you arrive at this ancient Sign, a heathen monument to celebrity, you must try to goad Annabel and Charlie into the ultimate CAT FIGHT showdown. But how to accomplish this? (write-in)
>Provoke Annabel: I bet Finlay slept with her. That's probably why he didn't tell you about this "audition"; they were auditioning all right, all night long...
>Provoke Charlene: I'm sorry, I think you are wasting your time. I just don't think you have the right look. Maybe if there is like some special flashback time-travel episode to an antebellum plantation or something, you might get a chance at a role
>Encourage Charlene: hey, if it is a callback, you must be in with a great chance! It's probably just down to you and one other... I bet you can do it!
>Ask Charlene: so have you prepared some dramatic monologue to win this audition?
>Ask Charlene: are you any good at crying? (QM: you restrain yourself from licking your lips lasciviously whilst saying this) All the best actresses can cry on demand, obviously (Annabel glowers)
>Sabotage Charlene: you know, I hear the casting directors really like it when you make bold individualistic theatrical choices, eccentric "out-there" character portrayals. Have you considered reading for the role in a funny accent? Or playing the character as a spastic, with mental retardation?
>Demonstrate for Charlene your advanced theatrical audition elocution technique: Here Charlie, try this: (shove your own tongue down your bottom lip, imitate a spastic person) too beee (hhehn hnnneh), orrr nott too beehnnn, thatt (hehnneh) isss theh quesstionhnehnn...
QM: insert Tropic Thunder Simple Jack / full retard meme here
>Something else...? write in