>>5960444Not much. People still think the usa is a democracy and not a constitutional republic. I mean look at covid and how it was hyped, look at wmds in Iraq (a lie), look at the false flag that started Vietnam War, bay of Tonkin. Look at uss liberty. Look at 9/11. Look at the fire bombing of dresden, the fire bombing of Japan, the usa nuking a civilian center. (Could of just nuked their surface fleet and showed the power of the bombs) this was after the Geneva convention. Wow these are all the same news propagandists. Ours need to step their game up.
So we need better propaganda for our people. Using Socrates and Plato to denounce democracy is based. We definitely need some fusion centers and ai scanning through it all. Same for bank funds. I definitely think we should create a block chain so we can see what people buy and definitely a social credit score like China.
>>5960267Inserts helldivers meme. For managed democracy... kek. For the glory of the empire.
>>5960455I've never met a smart that person uses ad hominems. (Aka you don't have a counter argument so you fling mud)
FYI I didn't bring this shit up. Other anons did. And they did so in a factually incorrect way. My 1 Id anon. Honestly I'd just do what they did for the holocaust. Make it illegal to question the narrative. Crazy how they couldn't just use facts and a coherent argument to dismantle the "holocaust deniers" literally had to make it illegal in most EU countries.
If we want to look at a even more recent example. Let's look at israel and it's likund party. And what Netanyahu says about how they put hamas into power. To make it impossible for the international world to recognize hamas as a country due to their genocidal ideology. 2 nation plan ruined. Now there can only be 1 nation and guess what they don't mean Palestine. Crazy how the most watched and prepared border got invaded without Israel knowing . And took them 6+ hours to respond to it. Even after egypts warnings. Crazy how they won't allow an inquiry. Crazy that right before it happened Netanyahu was about to be pulled out of power... again. Crisis averted... oh look the usa is trying/making it illegal to question Israel. Wild.
Just saying look at objective facts over narratives. Still waiting for them to find the millions of cubic feet of ash and bone fragments. They definitely got to be somewhere.... I mean we still find mass graves of the black plague.