>>5742587You decide not to get involved in a matter that you do not fully understand, trusting that your friend knows what she is doing.
Himuro trembles nervously where she stands, eyeing Hanako apprehensively as the blond pretends to consider the red-haired girl's proposal as she toy with a lock of her golden hair.
"Okay, you can join."
"Really?! Thank you thank you!" Says an excited Himuro, breaking all the image of control and formality that she was trying to convey by jumping and laughing while she laughs.
She also risks breaking the buttons on her shirt with all those moves, but you doubt the guys around you would consider that a bad thing.
"With some conditions." Casually add Hanako, robbing your former stalker of all her excitement and joy. "First, I want you to give it your all. We can have fun playing, but my friends take this seriously. Are you up for that?" Your friend says, advancing into the redhead's personal space, crossing her arms and giving her a look that conveys total seriousness.
Your friend might be easy-going most of the time, but there are things she can't help but take to heart. Her passion for the basketball team formed over the years is one of those things.
"Y-yes. I'm going to give it my all." Himuro answers, standing firm like a soldier.
"Good. And second, don't try go too hard. I don't want you to get hurt, or do something stupid because you want to prove yourself." Hanako places her hand on Himuro's shoulder and shakes her a little.
The redhead seems confused by the seemingly contradictory messages, but she nods anyway.
"Great. There's more, but for now just put your application in our box and come next week with a change of comfortable clothes." Hanako says, pointing to the different boxes on a nearby table.
Himuro happily thanked again before heading to the designated table.
Hanako turns to see you, and immediately her face loses all its seriousness to see how you wear a small smile and raise your eyebrow.
"I'll tell you later..." She leans closer to whisper, but the closeness between your lips sends shivers down your spine.
You both quickly take a step back, still feeling weird after what happened yesterday.
"I-I'm going to put in my application too." You say, wanting to ease the sudden tension.
Hanako nods, looking uncomfortably at the floor. "Y-yes. I-I'm going with you."