>>5759934As you promised before your unhatched egg, you pass the next month in Bloodrise. It gives you ample time to reacquaint yourself with your first clutch of sons. They are still not much larger than when last you saw them, though their vocabulary grows and their energy levels have subsided and become less frenetic. They retain more of what you tell them—or seem to, at least—and some even put conspicuous effort into trying to apply it… Even if sometimes, you must still delegate to their mother, or to their Centipede Lancer babysitter while you appease their mother with hand-holding and close cuddles.
Their first meeting with the Red Dragonborn—settled with your brother and his harem-mates in one of the captured dwarven keeps—will be an interesting one, but you have hope that with Karz Throat-singer’s supervision and your moral guidance, they may be good influences upon their young cousins.
You pay a visit to the Bogbarri, and are shocked to discover how different the females and young appear to the grown males. The warriors of their scattered tribe of goblin-relatives are the only bugbears you have ever encountered, but they truly look little like their breeding-partners or litters except in a broad sense. They BEHAVE alike, though, and you do not envy the brutish Bugbear Boss his task of civilizing them, though you promise what aid you can afford, and ample meat to make it easier to prevent them wandering away to hunt and pillage.
You continue to practice the swords in morning, and to meditate in the evenings—whenever your Greatworm Queen and Wyrmlings do not demand your presence for the evening, at least. It is not quite the same, of course, as it once was. You enjoy your sparring practice with the Drow Duelist Azonia, and you appreciate the exercise for its own sake, but you do not feel the same sense of consistent growth and obviously-swelling physical and spiritual strength which you once did as a Knight Ascendant. When you meditate, you often do so with your Dragonborn brethren, or with Karz or the Bastard… But still, you feel alone in a way you did not before. The absence of the Dark Gods is tangible, and in spite of your inspiring dragonfire dream, you dare not wake the Red Dragon King or give him outlet to assume control over you.
Your <appetite> for power begins to eat at you, growing as this sense of a hole in your centre grows, and your thoughts turn to the Hunt for the Succubus.
What will you do?
>Prepare to journey out to hunt the Succubus yourself—as soon as your heir hatches, you will leave to begin your great quest for godly power>You will stay here, ruling and attending to personal matters—let your hunters, spies, and warriors locate the demon for you