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The enchanting forests surrounding Geitlandsbyen. Known as the 'Swarthy Forests', for their oppressive blackness and shadowy stretches. But these weren't bad forests, not dangerous places. If anything, they were some of the safest, most scenic woods I'd ever laid eyes on. True, it was dark and overwhelmingly shaded, leaves above shrouding, to the point the forest trails and roads were lit by lantern posts and candles, but it was so serene and quiet.
These forests were inhabited largely by Fairies. It was where lots of Woldorian masters got their Fairies from in Siegeisa actually. Fairies were creatures that could be found in any continent, but here was a community of them. Living amongst these black woods filled to the brim with bushes and patches of flowers and berries. I was stoked to even see apple trees and peach trees hidden amongst the roughs. This was where Demharugh was, we found her not long in the trek.
[DEMHARUGH] "Salutations! Salutations!"
Well, she found us first to be truthful, and came out to greet us as friendly Fae do. She was even shorter than Wolfboy...
She wore this padded dress, with two wings like that of an insect behind her, though they weren't attached to her back like the butterfly wingspan on opposite sides of her head. She had a basket in hand, full of strawberries.
'Ah! Hello there. You must be...'
[DEMHARUGH] "Demharugh, madam and sire. I'm the Maid of the chief god's houses! Pleased to meet thee!" She said, giving a curtsy in the air; "My lady hast told me all about you. How you struggled against mighty Ludwyhn in the battle of mead's river. I hope you didn't mess his countenance up any more than was necessary!"
'Well,' I started, crossing my arms; '-he's certainly been humbled is all I should say.'
[DEMHARUGH] "Oh, good on ye' then. Certainly a rowdy misfit is he, but not a bad heart. Still, twas' a great bout that he should be able to taketh on all ye that came. Oh! Lady Eikn told me about every one of you. You're Muna, the new goddess that just popped up recent. And you're Eskart!"
[ESKART] "The one and only. Pleased to meet you, Godmother."
[DEMHARUGH] "Ahu! Such a mannered lad! But tis' a great honor to meet Magic's master himself! You sire are a most respected figure in the Fae communities! They all look up to you, in fact! Why I should think you're just about the closest we have to a figure of worship, of course."
[ESKART] "Ah... I see..."
Heh. I could tell Eskart was flattered, but not even his future glimpses could predict that. He always saw himself as more of a teacher than an object of worship, it embarrassed him behind that golden mask of his.