Rolled 7 + 2 (1d10 + 2)
HP:6/6, Edge:7/8 (+Sharp+Suit), Move:5, Def:5 (+Cool), Crit: 6 (+-Weird)
Cool:1, Sharp:2, Hard:0, Weird:4
Skills: Infiltration [DC:6]
Weapons: 2x Pistol [R:10,D:2,A:2/8,AttacksTwice]
Gear: First Aid Kit (4/4)-2
Assets: Two-Piece Suit [+1Edge]
>1AP: [FAK] Patch up Doctor Ben>1AP: Get behind the table/chair 1E,1N,1E>1AP: [FAK] Sew Rico together (before he moves on his turn)>1Edge: [Sharp] Look for first aid kits around the room>>5753986>>5754055"Got ya covered, Doc." (+3HP)
>>5752811"Watch out, we're just getting started." (+3HP)