>>5317927The processing plant used to be a town where pale goblins lived. Goblins with a medical condition that results in them unable to withstand sunlight for more than a few minutes. They eventually abandoned the place, and it was repurposed for neutralizing failed potions.
He doesn’t know much about the history, but nowadays it is mostly operated by automatons that look like a suit of plate armor.
Those are all that he could remember.
You thank Makari for his information.
His knowledge and skills could be quite useful to me.
I asks him if he feels happy working with this place. I could use a flamebearer.
Right now I have plans to stop criminals from scamming and hurting people.
We could make some money and save people’s lives.
Makari thinks about it for several moments.
'I mean… I like the idea, but my work here is stable. Even if the cooking service fails, I’ll still be employed as an assistant in the kitchen, and cleaner for the deck and such.'
'The bosses here aren’t.. the best, but I can count on them on paying us, and not abusing their power. Besides, my uncle works here. It’s nice being around him.'
'I mean, I know you use to babysit me and all, but trusting a babysitter you didn’t meet for like.. four years to be employer of a 16 year old is a hard sell. Maybe you could work out a deal or something, but I don’t know.'
'We have a small house in Silverport, but only me and my uncle stay there. Usually after a successful voyage we have a month or two on land. I guess you could employ me during then, but your… idea sounds too dangerous for him to let me do that. We mostly take a break during those months, but we open a clothes washing service on weekends.'
[Picture of what the processing plant might look like based on Makari’s description]