>>5886921"Short-Round, uses you Amazing Aptitude for Arithmancy to calculate exactly how bad of a bruising these chaps are about to get!"
"Fetch my potions kit and pipe, my Far-Eastern Friend, this problem will require Slytherin subtlety to solve."
"Explended! Your Esoteric Eastern explanations have come in handy once more. Now, to make for Shangra-La!"
"Arty, don't mind the help, my most Devious and Doating Dear, it is merely my newest assistant! Now then Short-Round, help my wife with her baggage. Agartha awaits!"
"Talon, my mahogany skinned man, how goes your investigations in the Dark Heart of Africa? Surely it is splendid to see your country-men once more."
'No time fore love Dr. Hallaster!'
"Love is the only thing worth making time for my boy! We'll get you a harem to make the princes of Xanadu jealous yet! Once we find Xanadu, of course."
"Short-Round, fetch my abomination hunting wand, and a bandolier of our finest potions. We have a long night ahead of us, my stalwart Sinosphere squire."
"Have you met my wife's pet Nundu yet? A capricious and curious cat she named "Dindu", in honor of the late Newt Scamander. Don't worry, he only melts people when she asks."
You should be Lord Hallaster-maxxing. You need to be investing in colonial explorer gear. You need to be buying Arty period appropriate dresses you can flip up and ravish her in. You need to be practicing casual British racism, one liners, and planning how to steal magical artifacts from indigenous peoples. You need to be Lord Hallaster-Maxxing.