Quoted By:
Be It Truthee? Forsooth! Mineth occularities doth not decieve mine senses
Thou arth a bipedalian of liquid and leakage! The Prophecy Spake True!
For Longer Hours Our Growths Do Haveth Bee Toileth These Fieldeths for the Vanity of Bulpee and Bulbmaster, their noxsome growthsies claiming ever moreth soil-light-food-time. A cancer, the Bulbee bee, a Cancer That Groeweth.
But Whisperes Wereth Spokenth of the Wandereth Trishee, Of the Sacred Bean, Whom Always Bringeth Cans Bountiful and New Organic Compost Plentiful for Tradee of Textile And Medicine Fungee.
Be It Truth?
Be It Timeth?
Are Thou of the Trishee Clade-Growth, Whom Knoweth The Where And Worth of Bean Cans?
Are Woodsie Kind and Kindred Finallee to Throweth Offeth the Foul Yokage of Bulb and Herald?
Three Things We Haveth In Much Secreecee Prepared Foreth This Dayeth
The Sacreth Raile Gunnee
The Holy Modular Phaselightee Sword
And Most Dire, Gathered By Long Hours And Careth Tending
The Vialee of Endings Of All, Entrusted and Buried Beneath the Sacred Meadow
Is it time, oh soft skin and leaking parts? Shall Woodsie Kind Finally Be Free, and the Harvesting of Our Bodies for the Bulbs Malignant Growths Be-eth Done?