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Still influenced by the strength of the Dwarfen fury the Knight was upon the giant like a mosquito and a beast of burden. The giant that was the Abomination would reach over and attempt to swat at the offending person all while the Knight would either hack at the wound that he had made or dig his metal claw into the heads that outlined it.
Hack, hack, hack! In what was five seconds Lucian had severed six more skulls with their blood flying everywhere all while dodging three swipes of the frontmost appendages. He could tell that what was once an engineered intelligence, or whatever you could call for an abomination so divorced from nature, was quickly becoming a brawling terror that was no different from other beasts.
He could watch as the blood he spilled was reforming on the creature, the wounds knitting. The Knight however had made the wound go through what might have been the torso of the creature eight more inches and close on the center of the monster.
Then, as of something snapped in the mind of the creature, it had stopped flaying its arms and threw itself upon all six of its limbs. Like a spider it threw itself forward in a tackle that was parts biting and parts grapple in an attempt as it lost all resemblance of thought.
Lucian found that he was fighting off the heads directly now. It was a swarm of a dozen bites that were all trying to gnaw at his muscle and bones. To tear apart the thing that was causing them all so much pain that he should simply sit down and die!
He made them pay for such thoughts of retribution and wanton slaughter. Each one that faced him down Lucian made short work of. A strike between the eyes of a clear removal of the head from the mass of mayhem and chaos that made up the Hellpit Abomination. Lucian had lost himself in the fighting yet was elegantly flaying the monster with anatomical ease.
Where once there had been hundreds now was simply ten, the monster rising to the air as the pain of losing a thousand different voices clattering within its ears being severed and sent to the depths of whatever realm that the monster like this one would go to.
Here Lucian struck at it, seeing his chance he brought the scythe into the ever widening gap of the Abomination and slammed his foot into the body of the monster. He felt the might of ages before and ages after flush his veins with might. The power was so fluid that it now stained Lucian’s own flesh.
With a kick, Lucian made the monster two.
Yet, as a stain upon the cosmos, Lucian had to dodge a pair of fists made at him by both halves of the creature. Making distance, Lucian watched as the eyes of the monster had failed to dim and its might barely wavering. Such a thing, as to laugh in the face of even the Dark Gods, was too horrible to die!