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Eventually, after wandering through endless unoccupied and ransacked mall walkways and halls, you discover an escalator to the topmost retail level; there is a utility and maintenance access from here to the roof.
As you are climbing the narrow stairway for roof access, Heather looks at you with an abashed, self-conscious glance, as she stutters:
-I... thanks for supporting me on this. But I - I think I have changed my mind. Oh, I still mean to perform the ritual, thank you so much for encouraging me to do it! It's just- I would rather- I mean, it is something I have to do on my own. I would prefer if you didn't hear what I shout into the sky. If that is alright with you? It is just- just really personal, I have to keep some boundaries intact. I think the mall roof is big enough that you can probably stand on the opposite side out of earshot and indulge in your own Scream Therapy session, if that is still what you want. But I just- just want to keep my words private. Do you see what I mean?
For the first time, you become suddenly aware of how close she is standing next to you. Close enough to feel the heat of skin. Perhaps it is just the height of the ruined mall elevator, the multiple floors and levels, the teetering balance of balconies and stacked tiers of vacant stores beneath you, but your head feels a sudden lurching sensation, swung out on vertigo.
>Reply: fine, whatever
>Reply: ok. Then secretly crouch at the base of the roof access (in a not at all leering perverted voyeur manner), and eavesdrop on what she has to say
>(Take Heather's hand possessively): Therapy only works if we do it together. You have to let it go. I'll help you. You can tell me anything, everything. Let it all go and forget-
>Leave Heather on her own. Maybe you can use the time to scavenge around the mall for a bit; surely there must be some shops that have not been completely looted? Perhaps try and find some stray clothes and attire for a goth party outfit (QM: you can write in any item that might reasonably be found in a extremely large commercial hypermall... with some luck it might be lying around buried under debris somewhere?)
>Girls - they are always changing their mind at the last minute. Hey I can change my mind too. (Push Heather down the escalator from the uppermost tier of the Dead Mall)
>something else...?